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Animal That Looks Like a Racoon but Bigger

Animal That Looks Like a Racoon but Bigger

Procyonids: Raccoons, Ringtails & Coatis

Amidst the about unusual, virtually amply marked, and to the lowest degree known of our desert animals are the procyonids — the raccoon, ringtail, and coatimundi. The raccoon is the most familiar of these, but mostly because people have seen it in other parts of the state. Many are surprised to acquire that the raccoon does quite well in the Sonoran Desert, as long as there is water somewhere nearby. You tin can easily follow raccoons' distinctive tracks forth trails leading directly to suburban desert pond pools.

Sketch of ringtail

The ringtail is Arizona's state mammal, though few people have ever seen one in the wild. Large blackness eyes, big pink ears set on a tiny face, and a long blackness-and-white ringed tail that looks like a feather boa make this highly-seasoned little animal look almost cuddly, but it is really a very efficient predator. Ane tin can sometimes be seen at dark every bit information technology prowls effectually its rocky canyon domicile, peering into niches and cracks where a mouse or an insect might be hiding.

Even though the coati is diurnal and lives in social bands of up to 30 or more than animals, near people never encounter them, unless they brand frequent visits to the oak-sycamore canyons and riparian areas coatis favor. Similar the raccoon and the ringtail, coatis forage both on the basis and in trees, and are omnivores.

Sonoran Desert species:

raccoon (Procyon lotor)
ringtail (Bassariscus astutus)
coati, coatimundi (Nasua narica)

Order: Carnivora
Family: Procyonidae
Spanish names: mapache, batepi, lavador (raccoon), cacomixtle (ringtail), chulo, coatí, solitario (coati)

Distinguishing Features


A heavy-bodied animal of nigh x to 30 pounds (4.v-13.5 kg) with a black face mask edged in white and a bushy, ringed tail. The hind human foot is plantigrade (that is, the sole is walked on, equally with humans).
A grayish-chocolate-brown squirrel-sized animal (about one to ii pounds) with a fluffy black and white ringed tail that is usually longer than its body. It has big black eyes ringed with white, big ears, and a narrow, pointy muzzle. Unlike raccoons and coatis, ringtails don't walk on the soles of their feet, one reason they are sometimes placed in their ain family unit (Bassariscidae).
The coati is a curious-looking creature, longer than a racoon (though not as husky in the body), with a long nose and a facial mask. Its very long tail is not as distinctly ringed as are those of the raccoon and ringtail.


Raccoons prefer riparian habitats, and brushy and wooded areas. The ringtail lives virtually often in riparian canyons, particularly in areas with rocky outcrops, caves, and mine shafts, and usually not in heavily wooded areas. Coatis inhabit mountain canyons with oak and sycamore in the summer, sometimes moving to lower-elevation riparian canyons or passing through desert areas in the winter.


All 3 species are omnivores. The raccoon feeds on small mammals, carrion, fruit and nuts, insects, eggs, fish and aquatic insects. The ringtail favors a nutrition of rodents, fruit, birds, snakes, lizards, and insects. The coati eats a lot of grubs, beetles, and other invertebrates, and also fruits and nuts, rodents, eggs, snakes, lizards, and carrion.
Raccoons use their front paws to feel for nutrient items in murky water or leafage litter. Ringtails inspect likely niches and hiding spots in their rocky habitats, hunting for rodents, birds, centipedes, and anything else edible. They are excellent mousers, pouncing and killing with a seize with teeth to the back of the rodent's neck. Coatis dig in the soil and leaf litter using their long claws or their noses to plow up grubs, worms, or other invertebrates. They also turn over big rocks with their front paws to search for invertebrates, lizards, and snakes.

Life History

Raccoons are nocturnal and usually solitary, unless they congregate at man-made food sources such as picnic areas or campgrounds. They adopt brushy, thickly vegetated habitats, but accommodate very well to the many bogus ponds, lakes, and wetlands institute in the suburbs and housing developments. They can eat almost anything; their dexterous paws tin can easily open garbage cans, so they tin readily take advantage of discarded food.

In the warm desert climate, a raccoon may sleep away the day out in the open, draped over a tree branch.

Racoon illustration

Ringtails are strictly nocturnal animals, using their large eyes and keen sense of aroma to locate prey. They are first-class climbers and leapers, using their long tails for residue as they negotiate steep canyon walls or trees with equal ease. The ringtails take semi-retractable claws and can rotate their hind feet 180 degrees, allowing them to descend cliffs confront first. They den in niches in stone walls, bedrock piles, or hollow trees. Ringtails are solitary, simply pairing up for a few days of mating in April. The ii to 4 kits are born in June. By autumn the young can hunt for themselves and soon disperse. Though violent footling fighters, ringtails autumn prey to dandy horned owls, bobcats, and coyotes. When frightened, they emit a musky olfactory property from anal scent glands.

Coatis are very social animals, living in bands of up to 20 or even 30 or more. The bands consist of females and their immature. Developed males are not welcome, except during mating season, although lone males may follow a group at other times. A pregnant female leaves the group to deliver her iv to 6 babies, rejoining the group several weeks afterwards with her new offspring.

Coatis are diurnal, active more often than not in the morning time and late afternoon, then spending the night in copse or caves. Every bit coatis forage through an area they travel with their 2 foot (.6 m) long tails held vertically.

Beach Bandits

We associate raccoons with forest, fields, and streams, simply they also live in desert locations. On scuba-diving trips to the Sonoran shoreline along the Bounding main of Cortez, we've encountered raccoons living on and well-nigh a beach in the Central Gulf Coast subdivision, considered i of the driest portions of the Sonoran Desert. Only at infrequent intervals is fresh water available to these animals at this location. Information technology appears they survive, at least in part, by the wet derived from catching and consuming tide puddle animals and by eating detritus bandage upwards on the beach.

These raccoons are chief scavengers. When humans prepare camp on this embankment, which is isolated and far from any permanent human habitation, the raccoons are quick to raid. At night they survey the camp from a nearby cliff, eyes shining in light reflected from lanterns or campfire. When the campers retire for the night, the raccoons enter camp and consume any groceries carelessly left near, beverage h2o drops dripping from ice chest drains, and occasionally run across sleeping campers.

— Lane Larson, owner, Caiman Expeditions

Animal That Looks Like a Racoon but Bigger

Source: https://www.desertmuseum.org/books/nhsd_procyonids.php

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